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  • Writer's pictureNatalija Moukminov

The Ultimate Home Guide: Prepping for Your Vacation

Embarking on a vacation is exciting, but leaving your home unattended requires a bit of preparation to ensure everything runs smoothly in your absence. This friendly guide will walk you through essential steps to take before you set off on your adventure, leaving you worry-free and able to fully enjoy your time away.

Before You Leave:

Pause Deliveries: Put any food and package deliveries on hold. This avoids items piling up on your doorstep and signaling an empty home.

Mail Management: Request a "Mail Hold" at your post office to prevent mail from accumulating. A telltale sign of an empty house is an overflowing mailbox.

Water Wisdom: Turn off water valves to prevent potential leaks or damage while you're away. It's a small step that can save you from big headaches.

Temperature Tinkering: Set your water heater to "Vacation" or "Low" mode to save energy. Adjust thermostats to around 15°C to maintain a comfortable yet energy-efficient environment.

Electronic Exodus: Shut down electronics, including computers, and turn off electric power bars. Not only does this save energy, but it also reduces the risk of electrical issues.

Appliance Attention: Unplug small appliances to prevent unnecessary energy consumption and reduce the risk of any electrical mishaps.

Illuminate Your Absence: Set lights on timers to give the illusion that someone is home. This simple trick adds a layer of security and deters potential intruders.

Festive Vibes: Even if it's not holiday season, consider adding a few small decorations. A lived-in look can prevent your home from standing out as vacant.

Neighborly Connections: Inform a trusted neighbor about your trip and ask them to check on your place. Request they remove any porch items, newspapers, or flyers that may accumulate.

Privacy Measures: Lower blinds to ensure that your windows aren't see-through. This adds an extra layer of privacy and security.

Insurance Insights: Verify your insurance policy to understand how often someone must check on your property to maintain policy validity. This small detail can be crucial in unexpected situations.

Pre-Departure Cleanup: Take out the trash and recycling, ensuring your garbage disposal is empty. This simple step contributes to a fresh and welcoming home upon your return.

Dish Duty: Empty the dishwasher before you leave to prevent any unpleasant surprises when you return.

Seasonal Support: If applicable, arrange for periodic snow removal or lawn mowing. A well-maintained exterior gives the impression of an occupied and cared-for home.

With these thoughtful preparations, you can jet off on your vacation with peace of mind, knowing that your home is in good hands – even if those hands belong to a trusted neighbor or a well-timed light switch.

Bon voyage!

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